Stories Deserve To Be Told.

Trish Kemp Photography

This video was made in collaboration with Trish Kemp Photography to develop a short overview of Trish’s life and show off her business. This video is used on Trish’s “Meet Trish” Page on her website.

Tanya Gets You Fit

This video was made in collaboration with Tanya Gets You Fit to provide a short overview of her business. This video is used on Tanya’s Home Page on her website and posted on her social media.

Project Food Awareness

Project Food Awareness(PFA) is a video series created to showcase where our local food comes from. While visiting these location we learn about the people and processes involved and making these products and how they get to our plates.

Project Food Awareness | Episode 1 | Joe's Farm

Project Food Awareness | Episode 2 | Lambert Lavoie Taste test

Project Food Awareness | Episode 3 | McCray's Farm

Project Food Awareness | Episode 4 | The Big E